Electronic Medical Counter-Measures for Disease Mitigation and Containment
The Pandemic Response Hackathon to hack COVID-19 started this past Friday at 1600P EDT and continues through the weekend. The Pandemic Response Hackathon is a virtual hackathon aimed at better understanding and mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and future pandemics. The goal of the hackathon is to bring public health professionals alongside the technology community’s talent to contribute to the world’s response to the pandemic. An interdisciplinary panel of public health, health IT, and policy experts will serve as the steering committee for project ideas and implementation. Blueforce is proud to be a participant and hacking two topics, one of which is Blueforce’s Electronic Medical Counter-Measures for Disease Mitigation and Containment (eMCM).
Implementing cross-domain situational awareness with real-time symptom monitoring and data aggregation will drive MCM concepts of operations for combating this pandemic through the phases of prepare, protect, mitigate, respond, stabilize, transition and recovery. We are now in the “mitigation†phase, where electronically supporting this rapid escalation of casualties is critical. Continued methods to contain, augment screening and triage capabilities, and preparing treatment facilities for efficiently mobilizing personnel to higher echelons of care, providing diagnostic capabilities in appropriate settings, protecting medical personnel, and maintaining precise (to the individual level) command and control of forces within each of these phases is critical. Increasingly sophisticated sensor technology presents the opportunity to improve required screening, surveillance, triage, and management of medical countermeasures (MCM) within the varied settings of quarantine to a higher level of care, through real-time sensor data fusion.
Blueforce is an Internet of Things (IoT) data fusion software platform that has been implemented as a multi-function solution, across multiple domains integrated with public safety incident management and military command and command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR). Our MCM solutions are adaptations of our commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products to support medical surveillance, patient monitoring, and situational awareness for the quarantine of individuals and cordon of areas affected or about to be affected by infectious disease outbreak. Where time is of the essence or where containment has already been implemented, we can deploy the solutions, remotely train users and administrators, and push new capabilities to the edge of the network with zero-touch and train users and administrators, while scaling its deployment with cloud-hosted and forward-deployed infrastructure.
Time-Phased Approach to Deploy, Scale, and Extend the Capability Layers
The proposed capability is based on a dual-use platform that simultaneously enables Command and Control (C2) to support pandemic containment operations and an Evidence-Based Research Platform to collect data and use machine learning to correlate intervention measures and physiological telemetry, in order to improve patient outcomes. The system is implemented across mutually supporting capability layers, consisting of Sensors & Devices, Connectivity, Sensor Fusion, Situational Awareness, Medical Informatics, and Metadata Aggregation.
To learn more, watch our video or email us at info@blueforcedev.com.