Blueforce adds Dynamic IoT Prioritization and Orchestration at the Edge
Mosaic system tenants that relate to time constrained decision environments increase survivability while enabling rapid adaptation for the good guys, and creating complexity and uncertainty for the adversary through the rapid composition and recomposition of disaggregated IoT sensors and AI swarms.  A mosaic approach treats threat as a “complex adaptive system” and leverages low-cost manned and unmanned swarming formations, flexibly networked and rapidly configured to provide hundreds of variations of capability for the operator and decision maker.
Blueforce, in 2012, released BlueforceTACTICAL for Android and iOS as the first “network centric” application and platform for mobile edge compute. Since then, we have released BlueforceEDGE for autonomous IoT and AI services which further enhanced this dynamic and autonomous capability to enable rapid swarming of people, sensors, and recognitional AI services at the edge of the network. A critical component of creating overmatch in a contested environment is the need for rapid adaptation, which we support through our APIs and SDK during the creation of Blueforce plugins and platform modules. At the user level, we often point to the Blueforce ability to rapidly and dynamically create mission or process specific capability, on the fly and in the mission space, as an embodiment of the extensibility capability. Yet we also know that rapid adaptation extends to the realm of the human and machine information that is used to increase operational efficiency, tempo of operations, and also enhance life safety.
Given the “need for speed” which fuels the efficiencies described above, Blueforce is proud to announce platform level support for dynamic IoT/IoBT prioritization and orchestration amongst human-attached and autonomous IoT and AI resources. This new capability enables a quality of service (QoS) metric which is applied to every sensor, every service, and the underlying device itself can be programmatically or dynamically changed based on mission or process profile allowing IoT sensors and services to be reprioritized in real-time based on mission or process outcome requirements. This capability can dynamically accelerate the speed of information sharing, but also threat detection, based on real-time conditions. Furthermore, these metrics can be used for sensor cueing which drives human and IoT coordination and orchestration (more on orchestration in an upcoming announcement).
The new QoS capability can be leveraged in a number of ways:
- Available as part of Plugin API/SDK: The QoS value can be changed dynamically and/or programmatically based on business rules native to the plugin logic.
- Accessible via Plugin “Inter-Process Messaging” (IPM): Blueforce plugins can “talk” to other Blueforce plugins via IPM allowing dynamic query across dissimilar sensor and service types (and manufacturers) so Plugins can receive and/or query other Plugins for state.
- Accessible via DFE Modules: Blueforce’s patented Decentralized Fusion Engine (DFE) (U.S. Patents 8467779/8682309/9066211) supports modules which are used for stream analytics and multi-variant threat detection allowing engine level modules to dynamically change the device-level QoS sync value to a higher or lower interval based on derived meaning allowing faster movement of time sensitive information between humans and IoT devices.
- Accessible via BlueforceEDGE MEC Edition: Our new BlueforceEDGE MEC edition will expose QoS values across the EDGE platform such that BlueforceEDGE plugins can enhance 5G slicing rules during communications contested events ensuring critical information is allowed to move based on Blueforce-enabled QoS rules.
These new capabilities are entering beta testing and will ship soon as part of the entire family of Blueforce products. For more information, call us at +1 866-960-0204 or email us at info@blueforcedev.com.