Far Forward Edge Micro-Services for Emergency Management
While cloud-based analytics and AI services can provide high-value recognitional services across imagery and data, too often data communications back to the cloud are jittery and quite often denied due to the crush of requests related to the incident, hampering access. Moving recognitional and computation services to the edge ensures access, but also delivers an ultra-low latency solution in time constrained environments.
BlueforceEDGE is our autonomous agent software product that runs alongside of, and analyzes in real-time, human and sensor data delivering reasoned decisions – allowing selective actions designed to meet a certain goal without the involvement of humans. Like the entire Blueforce platform product set, EDGE supports plugins which provide access to autonomous sensors, information services, and data pumps which are crucial to incident environments, some of which include:
- Map Interoperability Services Plugin: Enables edge-based storage, discovery, and serving of offline maps, KML/KMZ overlay files, and provides interoperability services transforming Blueforce location and sensor data to “dynamic KML/KMZ”.
- Severe Weather: Our HyperLocal Severe Weather Plugin for BlueforceEDGE provides near real-time reporting of proximate weather data based on the LAT/LON of each responder so they have real-time awareness of approaching severe weather.
- Ultra-Low Latency Video Services: Our WarpVideo Plugin for BlueforceTACTICAL turns your Android (and soon iOS) mobile device into a ultra-low latency video streaming device allowing you to leverage devices you already own and carry. The plugin is now in BETA and early test results are showing sub-500 millisecond latency over standard 4G networks.
- Dynamic Network Services: Our PINGMON Plugin monitors local network components and Multi-Access Edge Compute (MEC) resources and can dynamically signal 5G/CBRS “slicing†algorithms, thereby “turning up†and “turning down†bandwidth to support specific data types.
To learn more, call us at +1 866-960-0204 or send an email to info@blueforcedev.com.