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Autonomous Orchestration: A School Safety and Security Essential

Digital Workflows triggering Emergency Instructions via Samsung MagicINFO-enabled Displays and Axis Public Address Speakers

Every day, our physical and digital worlds become increasingly intertwined, presenting opportunity for investments in a future of continuous and lasting change. This is true of Smart Cities, but also Safe Schools and Smart Campuses. This digitalization of the cyber-physical world is especially promising for schools to realize opportunities and overcome challenges per school safety and security.

Emergency situations create a “need for speed”, because speed means lives saved: Speed of command; Speed of recognition; and Speed of coordination and orchestration. Critical to all of this is Internet of Things (IoT) sensor fusion, AI-enabled sense-making, and intelligence-driven human and autonomous workflows derived in real-time using machine learning and multi-variant threat detection logic. Blueforce is delivering on all of this today through our IoT fusion and orchestration engine present in BlueforceEDGE where we can leverage, fuse, and cue legacy sensors in a school, but also autonomously orchestrate instructional workflows that can include:

Our new eBook “5 School Safety and Security Essentials” is now available. Watch this blog for excerpts from the eBook. Want to learn more? Send an email to or fill out a CONTACT ME form located here…

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