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Blueforce Enabled “Curtains of IoT Detection”


Cameras offer simple, but useful, detection of breach, yet still, humans monitoring 24×7 begin to miss anomalous activity after 24 minutes (MIT study) due to normal cognitive processing by the human brain. The brain gets “tired”, very quickly, after watching 24 screens in real-time. Even then, detections are only that which a trained eye can see.  Still, we act upon what we see.

The concept of “curtains of detection” (COD) is a recommended deployment methodology leveraged by a variety of national level defense and homeland security agencies where various layers or stages of detection are metaphorically likened to “curtains”. Each “curtain” represents a different level or method of detection in the context of security, surveillance, technical collection, threat level, and even response workflows. Using Blueforce, curtains can “talk” to each other (digitally) and can inform response protocols, but also technical collection rules for storage of anomalous activity over time for proactive mitigation and/or anomaly collection (where there was not an immediate threat).

Specifically, each curtain can have its own threat definition, sensor types/modalities, trigger(s), fusion and cueing rules between “curtains”, and process frameworks:

The idea behind COD is that there can be multiple layers or stages of detection, each serving to uncover or reveal information or activity. These layers work sequentially or in parallel to provide comprehensive coverage and understanding.  BlueforceEDGE is our autonomous sensor fusion, cueing, and orchestration product that works in conjunction with BlueforceCOMMAND and our mobile products.  To learn more, ping us at and/or call us at 866-960-0204.

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