
No matter what the public safety networks look like in 20 years, they are sure to have core capabilities grounded in location-based services.  A critical component of any successful rescue operation is time.  Decision cycle time can be optimized by having the precise location of buildings, core services, emergency service resources, and disaster relief sites. This information is critical to disaster relief teams and public...

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The relationship between weather and emergency management (not to mention emergency preparedness) is fundamental and can be quite complicated. Weather causes many of the disasters that require an emergency response, yet awareness of conditions is essential for management of incidents unrelated to weather as the cause. For sure, meteorological awareness can have a profound effect managing the extent of destruction to life and property to...

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The last 18 months have yielded unprecedented disruption to businesses, with retailers in particular experiencing a vastly changed consumer buying environment. Consumers have become quite comfortable with buying online, requiring retailers to now reimagine the customer experience. Experiences that focus on building "relationship" which is now as important as "transaction". Critical to becoming customer-obsessed and reigniting growth, is technology and data which fuel intelligent outcomes...

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Ask anyone who has responded to a natural or manmade disaster and they will tell you, these events create the mother of all non-predictive inter-agency mashups. The multitude of agencies responding from outside of the incident area creates a need for hyperlocal services that assist in navigation, but also enable the finding and discovery of resources in the affected area of operation that can be...

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It's that time of year. Every fire season, millions of acres across the world burn during wildland fire events. Worse, between 2000 - 2019 alone, more than 400 wildland firefighters lost their lives fighting these fires while protecting civilians, homes, and forests. While the hazards faced on the fire line can include burnovers/entrapments, heat-related illnesses and injuries, smoke inhalation, vehicle-related injuries (including aircraft), slips, trips,...

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Blueforce has been working diligently over the last six months on our new BlueforceTACTICAL and BlueforceEDGE ports to Linux. Much of our work has been in developing next generation Blueforce Plugins for the Linux platform that support and extend capability to shrink the footprint, but also the Space, Weight, and Power (SWaP) requirements such that the code can run on “System on Chip” containers, but...

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Exciting times indeed.  Our partnership with Wilcox Industries, Samsung, Providence UK, Tactical Equipements FR and VARSPEX (CA) plus active international engagement pushes Blueforce rapidly into global markets as we add new service providers, value added resellers, and technology partners. With these partnerships comes expansion into new geographies, here in the United States, but also globally. With these new geos comes the need to support a...

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Millions of U.S. workers, including those in the military and public safety, are exposed to heat in their workplaces, but also during training. Although illness from exposure to heat is preventable, every year, thousands become sick from occupational heat exposure, and some cases are fatal. Most outdoor fatalities, 50% to 70%, occur in the first few days of working in warm or hot environments because...

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If you have been following Blueforce for any amount of time, you know the value we place on open standards. Even more so, standards that are portable between a wide array of compute environments, but also those that are light on the network. We have become quite enamored with REST/JSON given the speed in which it allows stateless inter-connectivity between Blueforce APIs and disparate systems....

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Balancing privacy and public health, while providing real time informatics to detect “viral blooms” in Smart Cities The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in an era of unprecedented uncertainty. For businesses, the virus has introduced unparalleled issues with business continuity, supply chain disruptions, and employee health. If there is one thing history has shown us, it's that pandemics are known to occur in waves. Infections spike, peak,...

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