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To complete the configuration on initial startup, you will need the following information:

  • Your “Client Code”: The Client Code is provided by Blueforce or your system administrator. The client code tells the download service which software kits to download and install. It is also used to let you know when new updates and/or plugins are available to you.
  • License Key: The License Key is provided by Blueforce or your system administrator. The License Key “turns on” the software and indicates that you are a licensed user.
  • Username: Your Username is provided by Blueforce or your system administrator and is the name that will be used when others wish to subscribe to you.
  • Password: Your Password is provided by Blueforce or your system administrator and is used as your

STEP ONE: Launch the application by double-clicking on the application icon from within Windows.  On the first launch, you will be presented with the “Install License” screen.  Please be sure that you are connected and have an active internet connection.  Enter your Client Code in the appropriate textbox and then your License Key.  Now click on the INSTALL button.

STEP TWO: You will now be presented with the LOGIN screen.  Type in your fully qualified username (i.e.,  Now type in your password.  Click login.

On success, you will be launched into the application.

Next Launching the Program
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